CAS CL-5500 Receipt and Label Printing Scale

Trade Approved. User friendly retail price computing scale with built-in thermal label printer and easy-to-use replacement printing cartridge. Barcode EAN13, 12OF5, CODE128C. Label formats: 40 fixed & 20 free format. 8,000 PLU’s & 1,000 Ingredient messages. Ethernet Network Communication. Control all program data using CL-Works software. Pole and Non-pole type available.

Capacities: 6/15kg x 2/5g or 15/30kg x 5/10g

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Trade Approved[/box]

CAS CL5500 Receipt and Label Printing Scale features a built-in Label/Ticket printer with easy-to-use replacement cartridge. Numerous speed keys for quick and easy operation. Easily networked and Ethernet ready. Large PLU & Ingredient message memory. Barcode & label formats: 40 fixed & 20 free format. Management functions, including data management, price control, PLU programming, sales reports, label & keypad editing are controlled by CL-Work PC software and is necessary for any retail business. Widely used in various retail environments such as butchery, grocery and fruit/vegetable shop and supermarkets.


  • High-speed thermal printer with easy loading printing cartridge
  • Free format label design
  • User defined Barcode Printing
  • Flexible & reliable network system
  • Ethernet Network Communication (TCP/IP)
  • Graphic LCD display
  • Up to 3,000 PLUs memory function
  • Up to 1,000 ingredients
  • PC manager program (CL-Works)
  • RS232c, PS/2, Cash Drawer, Ethernet and USB interfaces.
  • Dual Range
  • Pole or Non-pole Type


  • LS-5840 Label Size 58 x 40mm: Blank or Pre-Printed with $, $/kg, Dates, Weight fields (30 rolls per carton)
  • LS-5860 Label Size 58 x 60mm: Blank or Pre-Printed with $, $/kg, Dates, Weight fields (30 rolls per carton)
  • Spare Printing Cartridge
  • Memory expansion for 10,000 PLU's and 2,000 ingredients

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