Are you getting the most out of your weighing equipment? Equipment for weighing and measuring can be paired with intelligent software to collect and analyse the data generated, giving you real insight into your processes.
Analysing and Collecting Data
Modern equipment for weighing and measuring is capable of delivering real insights into your business. When paired with the right software or hardware, you can use your weighing equipment to capture and analyse data. This can assist in a range of ways, from addressing any measurement issues and creating process automation to ensuring regulatory compliance.
An example of the benefits of pairing your weighing device with a data collection capability can be found in the picking scales that we developed for use on strawberry fields. We built customised data collection software into the scales. This allows field managers to create detailed reports on each strawberry picker’s totals for specific date periods. This capability allows field managers to identify trends in real time.
Custom Solutions
When it comes to data software, the sky is the limit! We are able to develop custom software that is designed for your business. Some of the capabilities of our data collection services are:
1. Vehicle Management
Vehicle profiling software can record load weights against vehicles and reports can be generated to allow management to more easily monitor the weighing process.
2. Stock Management
Easily generate reports on stock and track how much stock has been moved and how much remains in order to ensure that stock is managed adequately.
3. Easy Invoicing
Software can integrate MYOB, Quickbooks, Xero or other accounting programs to your weighing device. This integration of accounting programs means a simplified invoicing process.
4. Reporting
Generate a huge variety of data to allow you to create detailed reports on your organisational processes.
At SWIA, we are experts at creating customised data collection solutions for your business. Contact us today to speak to one of our experts on data collection for your weighing equipment.